Due to new ICANN policies that started January 1, 2014, it is now imperative that the Registrant/Owner email address listed on your Whois record is correct. See:
New ICANN Whois Contact Validation Policy
If you have been informed that your domain is pending suspension or if your domain stops working due to this new policy these instructions will help you avoid domain suspension or recover a suspended domain. If you are unsure if your domain was suspended due to this policy, see:
How can I know if my domain was suspended because of the ICANN contact verification policies?
If the validation requests were not received due to an invalid owner email address on your domain's Whois record, see:
Updating your Whois contact information
Note: The email address on your Whois record that needs to be updated is in the second column of the contact page:
After the owner email address is updated, you will receive an request to validate the contact information within 10 minutes.
The link in the verification emails will take you to a page that looks like this:
Click on the "I agree to the domain name Terms and Conditions" check box and click submit to complete the verification process. Suspended domains will be re-activated in less than 5 minutes (usually immediately).
The following answers common questions about responding to these validation requests: